Ugh, let me just be honest with you. I am not feeling that well lately. Nights of working for school and not getting a positive feedback kind of made me a bit depressive. Not that I don't come out of my bed, have no social life or hate EVERYTHING but just a bit down. I hate everything I wear, I hate the way my hear looks, and..and.. it is really exhausting as hard as I try to stay positive. But to make this still a happy post, and to cheer me up I made a list of things I LOVE and why i should LOVE my life and myself. So hopefully I cheer you up too! Let's smile and be thankful for the day ( I now a bit dreamy, but hé a bit dreamy once in a while is good for you.. like yoga!)
♥ Going to the movies with my friends and just go to a movie because Leo plays in it ( you know THE Leonardo DiCaprio). He may is a bit too old for me.. but he still looks like his 20-year old self in the Titanic. Nothing wrong with that, right?
♥ Working out!! I recently fell in love with working out in the gym. The burn in you thighs when you are doing a dumbbell squat and the feeling when you are done! Isn't that the best? Let's be happy we can do this, that we are given the opportunity to develop ourselves. ( like I said, a little dreamy.)