
20 Jan 2014


I write lists a lot! Every time of the day or night when there is popping something interesting in my head. When I am reading a magazine and they are talking about a beautiful desitination or a run you must have run because it is special or for a good cause. Sometimes I just make a list when I go shopping with my "must" or with the clothes I saw on a fashion-blog. Sometimes I make a list about a workout routing or times from history so I can learn them anywhere I want! I write them down on notes, which I lose, or in notebooks, which I forget. My phone on the other hand is something I always carry with me, so I can change the list make them longer or remove some when I don't need them anymore. I LOVE list, the remember me about things I shouldn't forget and remember run events for me which I normally wouldn't know the existence of anymore.

Do you love list as much as me? 


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